Biological Laboratory Summer Programs
Summer Programs 1889-1923
1889-90 General Course in Biology / Lecture Series / Facilities for Advanced Work
1890-91 General Course in Biology / Lecture Series / Bacteriology Course
1891-92 General Course in Biology / Lecture Series / Bacteriology Course / Facilities for Advanced Work / Facilities for Original Investigation
1892-93 General Course in Biology / Lecture Series / Bacteriology Course / Botany Course / Facilities for Advanced Work / Facilities for Original Investigation
1893-94 Comparative Embryology / Bacteriology / Advanced Course in Botany / Elementary Zoology / Elementary Botany / General Course in Biology / Lecture Series / Facilities for Advanced Work / Facilities for Original Investigation
1894-95 Comparative Embryology / Elementary Zoology / Cryptogamic Botany / Phaenogamic Botany / Bacteriology / Evening Lectures / Facilities for Original Reserch
1895-96 Comparative Embryology / Elementary Zoology / Cryptogamic Botany / Phaenogamic Botany / Bacteriology / Facilities for Original Reserch / Evening Lectures
1896-97 Comparative Embryology / Elementary Zoology / Cryptogamic Botany / Phaenogamic Botany / Bacteriology / Facilities for Original Reserch / Evening Lectures
1897-98 High School Biology / Comparative Anatomy / Invertebrate Embryology / Cryptogamic Botany / Phaenogamic Botany / Bacteriology / Microscopical Methods / Lectures / Facilities for Original Research / Opened “Biological Club” for giving abstracts and results of work done
1898-99 High School Biology / Comparative Anatomy / Invertebrate Embryology / Variations / Cryptogamic Botany / Phaenogamic Botany / Bacteriology / Microscopical Methods / Facilities for Original Research / Biological Club / Lectures
1899-1900 High School Biology / Comparative Anatomy / Invertebrate Embryology / Variations / Vertebrate Embryology / Investigation / Ecology / Seminars in Ecology / Cryptogamic Botany / Bacteriology Investigations / Microscopical Methods / Nature Study (for teachers) / Biological Club / Lectures / Excursions
1900-01 High School Biology / Comparative Anatomy / Embryology / Entomology / Variations and Inheritance / Cryptogamic Botany / Ecology / Seminars in Ecology / Bacteriology / Microscopic Methods / Nature Study / Original Research
1901-02 High School Zoology / Comparative Anatomy / Embryology / Animal Bionomics and Variation / Ecology of Plants / Seminar in Ecology / Bacteriology / Microscopic Methods / Nature Study Investigation
1902-03 Cryptogamic Botany / Embryology / Comparative Anatomy / Bacteriology / Microsopic Methods / Phaenogamic Botany / Entomology / Botany / Zoology / Arachnida
1903-04 Cryptogamic Botany / Embryology / Comparative Anatomy / Plant Ecology / Ecology / Botany / Zoology / Entomology / Microscopic Methods / Cytology / High School Zoology / Variations
1904-05 High School Zoology / Comparative Anatomy / Embryology / Animal Bionics: Variations/ Crytogamic Botany / Ecology / Seminars in Ecology / Microscopic Methods
1905-06 High School Zoology / Comparative Anatomy / Embryology / Animal Bionics: Variations/ Crytogamic Botany / Ecology / Seminars in Ecology / Microscopic Methods
1906-07 High School Zoology / Bird Study / Crytogamic Botany / Embryology / Animal Bionics: Variations / Comparative Anatomy / Ecology / Microscopic Methods
1907-08 High School Zoology / Bird Study / Crytogamic Botany / Embryology / Animal Bionics: Variations / Comparative Anatomy / Ecology / Microscopic Methods
1908-09 High School Zoology / Bird Study / Comparative Anatomy / General Embryology & Microscopic Methods / Animal Bionics: Variations / Crytogamic Botany / Ecology / Comparative Anatomy
1909-10 High School Zoology / Bird Study / Comparative Anatomy / General Embryology & Microscopic Methods / Animal Bionics: Evolution / Crytogamic Botany / Ecology / Eugenics
1910-11 High School Zoology / Bird Study / Comparative Anatomy / General Embryology & Microscopic Methods / Animal Bionics:Evolution / Crytogamic Botany / Ecology / Eugenics
1911-12 High School Zoology / Bird Study / Comparative Anatomy / General Embryology & Microscopic Methods / Animal Bionics: Evolution / Crytogamic Botany / Ecology Eugenics
1912-13 High School Zoology / Bird Study / Comparative Anatomy / General Embryology & Microscopic Methods / Animal Bionics: Evolution / Crytogamic Botany / Plant Geography and Ecology
1913-14 Field Zoology / Bird Study / Comparative Anatomy / General Embryology and Microscopic Methods (not 1914) / Animal Bionics: Evolution / Crytogamic Botany / Systematic & Field Botany / Eugenics
1914-15 Field Zoology / Bird Study / Comparative Anatomy / General Embryology and Microscopic Techniques / Animal Bionics & Evolution / Investigation / Cryptogamic Botany / Systematic & Field Botany / Eugenics
1915-16 Field Zoology / Bird Study / Comparative Anatomy/ General Embryology & Microscopic Techniques (not 1916) / Animal Bionics: Evolution
1916-17 Field Zoology / Bird Study / Comparative Anatomy / General Embryology & Microscopic Techniques / Animal Bionics:Evolution / Cryptogamic Botany / Systematic & Field Botany / Advanced Botany / Eugenics
1917-18 Field Zoology / Bird Study / Comparative Anatomy / Economic Entomology / Animal Bionics: Evolution / Cryptogamic Botany (Not 1917) / Systemic: Field Botany / Advanced Botany / Eugenics
1918-19 Field Zoology / Bird Study / Comparative Anatomy / Sanitary Entomology / Animal Bionics: Evolution / Cryptogamic Botany (Not 1917) / Systemic: Field Botany / Advanced Botany / Eugenics
1919-20 Field Zoology / Bird Study / Comparative Anatomy / Animal Bionics: Evolution / Advanced Botany / Cryptogamic Botany (not 1918) / Systematic: Field Botany / Heredity / Eugenics
1920 Field Zoology / Bird Study / Comparative Anatomy / Animal Bionics: Evolution / Cryptogamic Botany / Systematic: Field Botany / Advanced Botany / Eugenics
1921 Field Zoology / Comparative Anatomy / Animal Bionics: Evolution / Genetics / Advanced Botany / Systematic: Field Botany / Eugenics
1922 Field Zoology / Comparative Anatomy / Animal Bionics: Evolution / Principles of Genetics / Cryptogamic Botany / Systematic: Field Botany / Advaned Botany / Eugenics
1922-23 Field Zoology / Comparative Anatomy / Animal Bionics: Evolution / Cryptogamic Botany / Systematic: Field Botany / Advanced Botany / Eugenics
1923-24 Field Zoology / Comparative Anatomy / Animal Bionics: Evolution / Cryptogamic Botany / Systematic: Field Botany / Advanced Botany / Eugenics