Daniel Fuerth, a postdoctoral fellow in Assistant Professor Je Lee’s lab, has been awarded a Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (BBRF) Young Investigator Grant. Fuerth was chosen for his research on the molecular basis of memory, more specifically looking at the transfer of genetic information in the brain at the molecular level.
“My research focuses on being able to track how RNA transfers between cells, and what purpose it serves in intercellular communication. Fundamentally, we’re looking at new ways in which RNA can serve as signaling molecules and the implications for how we target transmissions in the brain,” said Fuerth.
A BBRF Young Investigator Grant enables research on innovative ideas to identify the causes of psychiatric disorders, improve treatments, and develop prevention strategies.
“BBRF Young Investigators represent a new generation of scientists who will pioneer breakthroughs in mental health research,” says Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D., BBRF’s president and CEO. “With these grants, outstanding researchers are able to pursue bold new ideas to answer important questions or help identify potentially game-changing targets for treatment.”
Written by: Sara Roncero-Menendez, Media Strategist | publicaffairs@cshl.edu | 516-367-8455