CSHL Postdoctoral Fellows

CSHL has long been recognized as a place for nurturing young scientists, with postdoctoral researchers being an integral part of the discovery process. The Laboratory’s postdoctoral fellows work in the labs of Principal Investigators, who conduct research within five areas—cancer, neuroscience, plant biology, quantitative biology and bioinformatics and genetics—in a very synergized and interactive way.

Current Open Postdoc Positions

Search by keyword

Nolwenn Adam

Nolwenn Adam

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tollkuhn Laboratory
Hudson Alakonya

Hudson Alakonya LinkedIn icon

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Oxford, Ph.D. in Oncology
Tuveson Laboratory

Kenyan at CSHL, Rhodes Scholar Alumni

PDAC patients are beset with challenges of late diagnosis and resistant to standard-of-care therapies. Our work aims to develop theranostics for imaging and treatment of PDAC.

Armend Axhemi

Armend Axhemi

Postdoctoral Fellow

Joshua-Tor Laboratory
Balasooriya Balasooriya

Balasooriya Balasooriya

Postdoctoral Fellow

Spector Laboratory
Amitava Banerjee

Amitava Banerjee

Post Doc Computational

Navlakha Laboratory
Walter Bast

Walter Bast

Post Doc Computational

Albeanu Laboratory
Alexandria Battison

Alexandria Battison

Postdoctoral Fellow

Borniger Laboratory
Carmelita Bautista

Carmelita Bautista

Senior Research Associate

Krainer Laboratory
Ari Benjamin

Ari Benjamin

Postdoctoral Fellow

Zador Laboratory
Debmalya Bhunia

Debmalya Bhunia

Postdoctoral Fellow

Wigler Laboratory
Fra Boato

Fra Boato

Postdoctoral Fellow

Van Aelst Laboratory
Janeen Braynen

Janeen Braynen

Post Doc Computational

Ware Laboratory
Jon Cahn

Jon Cahn

Postdoctoral Fellow

Martienssen Laboratory
Giuseppina Caligiuri

Giuseppina Caligiuri

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tuveson Laboratory
Mackenzie Callaway

Mackenzie Callaway LinkedIn icon

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering
Dos Santos Laboratory

breast cancer, pregnancy, EMT, hormones, extracellular matrix

I am studying the impact of pregnancy and associated hormones on the establishment, composition, and metastasis of triple negative breast cancer.

Curriculum Vitae PDF

Deeptiman Chatterjee

Deeptiman Chatterjee

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dos Santos Laboratory
Tsung Han Chou

Tsung Han Chou

Postdoctoral Fellow

Furukawa Laboratory
Alessandro Crnjar

Alessandro Crnjar

Post Doc Computational

Koo Laboratory
Katie Day

Katie Day

Postdoctoral Fellow

Shea Laboratory
Benjamin de la Cruz Thea

Benjamin de la Cruz Thea

Postdoctoral Fellow

Van Aelst Laboratory
Amanda Decker-Farrell

Amanda Decker-Farrell

Postdoctoral Fellow

Janowitz Laboratory
John Desmarais

John Desmarais

Post Doc Computational

Kinney Laboratory
Mary Doherty

Mary Doherty

Postdoctoral Fellow

Trotman Laboratory
Durgesh Dubey

Durgesh Dubey

Postdoctoral Fellow

L. Zhang Laboratory
Dimitri Dumontier

Dimitri Dumontier

Postdoctoral Fellow

Pouchelon Laboratory
Paige Ferguson

Paige Ferguson LinkedIn icon

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tuveson Laboratory

Curriculum Vitae PDF

Austin Ferro

Austin Ferro

Postdoctoral Fellow

Cheadle Laboratory
Matthew Fisher

Matthew Fisher

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Maryland, Baltimore - Ph.D. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Mills Laboratory

Cancer, Stem cells, Chromatin, p63

My work focuses on identifying novel p63 regulated chromatin remodelers that are critical for the survival of the cancer stem cell population

Curriculum Vitae PDF

Minakshi Gandhi

Minakshi Gandhi

Postdoctoral Fellow

Spector Laboratory
Ankur Garg

Ankur Garg

Postdoctoral Fellow

Joshua-Tor Laboratory
Aybuke Garipcan

Aybuke Garipcan

Postdoctoral Fellow

Beyaz Laboratory
Shanu George

Shanu George

Postdoctoral Fellow

Van Aelst Laboratory
Bryan Gitschlag

Bryan Gitschlag

Post Doc Computational

McCandlish Laboratory
Neha Goswami

Neha Goswami

Postdoctoral Fellow

Zador Laboratory
Wuqiang Guan

Wuqiang Guan

Postdoctoral Fellow

Li Laboratory
Guangran Guo

Guangran Guo

Postdoctoral Fellow

Amor Laboratory
Priyanka Gupta

Priyanka Gupta

Postdoctoral Fellow

Albeanu Laboratory
Amber Habowski

Amber Habowski LinkedIn icon

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of California Irvine, Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences
Tuveson Laboratory

pancreatic cancer, organoids, therapeutics, precision medicine, bioinformatics

I lead the Tuveson human organoid team and we use patient-derived organoids to better understand pancreatic cancer and identify therapeutic options.

Clifford Harpole

Clifford Harpole

Postdoctoral Fellow

Banerjee Laboratory
Alexander Harris

Alexander Harris

Postdoctoral Fellow

Amor Laboratory
Dalia Hassan

Dalia Hassan

Postdoctoral Fellow

Vakoc Laboratory
Jia He

Jia He

Postdoctoral Fellow

Lippman Laboratory
Anat Hendelman

Anat Hendelman

Postdoctoral Fellow

Lippman Laboratory
Diego Hernandez Trejo

Diego Hernandez Trejo

Postdoctoral Fellow

Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Ph.D.
Albeanu Laboratory

Olfaction, odor perception, sensorimotor coupling, sensory predictions, active perception

I am studying how the coupling between odor perception and motor activity affects odor stimuli representation in the olfactory system.

Curriculum Vitae PDF

Ga-Ram Hwang

Ga-Ram Hwang

Postdoctoral Fellow

Amor Laboratory
Yuma Ishigami

Yuma Ishigami

Postdoctoral Fellow

Krainer Laboratory
Natalie Jones

Natalie Jones

Postdoctoral Fellow

Joshua-Tor Laboratory
Nandhini Kalavathi Palanisamy

Nandhini Kalavathi Palanisamy

Postdoctoral Fellow

Yeh Laboratory
Rishvanth Kaliappan Prabakar

Rishvanth Kaliappan Prabakar

Post Doc Computational

Meyer Laboratory
Hyunook Kang

Hyunook Kang

Postdoctoral Fellow

Furukawa Laboratory
Der-Shyang Kao

Der-Shyang Kao

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tonks Laboratory
Nicholas Karavolias

Nicholas Karavolias

Postdoctoral Fellow

Lippman Laboratory
Jonathan Kastan

Jonathan Kastan

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tuveson Laboratory
Stan Kerstjens

Stan Kerstjens

Post Doc Computational

Zador Laboratory
Hyun Soo Kim

Hyun Soo Kim

Senior Research Associate

Martienssen Laboratory
Olaf Klingbeil

Olaf Klingbeil LinkedIn icon

Postdoctoral Fellow

Ph.D., Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Vakoc Laboratory

cancer, genome editing, gene regulation, epigenetics

I am developing novel genome editing technologies to identify genetic vulnerabilities in cancer, with a focus on lineage dependencies.

Curriculum Vitae PDF

Shan Kuang

Shan Kuang

Postdoctoral Fellow

Trotman Laboratory
Nurdan Kuru

Nurdan Kuru

Post Doc Computational

Siepel Laboratory
Wenjun Lan

Wenjun Lan

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tuveson Laboratory
Amy Lanctot

Amy Lanctot

Postdoctoral Fellow

Lippman Laboratory
Viet Hang Le

Viet Hang Le LinkedIn icon

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, Ph.D. in Developmental Neuroscience
Van Aelst Laboratory

gene cloning, viral technology, stereotaxic surgery, gene therapy

My work aims to unravel the mechanism underlying brain diseases and cancers.

Curriculum Vitae PDF

Eva Lentsch

Eva Lentsch

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tuveson Laboratory
Bo Li

Bo Li

Postdoctoral Fellow

L. Zhang Laboratory
Yujia Li

Yujia Li

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dos Santos Laboratory
Qianyu Lin

Qianyu Lin

Postdoctoral Fellow

Cheadle Laboratory
Yong Lin

Yong Lin

Postdoctoral Fellow

Meyer Laboratory
Penelope Lindsay

Penelope Lindsay

Postdoctoral Fellow

Jackson Laboratory
Bodu Liu

Bodu Liu

Postdoctoral Fellow

Spector Laboratory
Mingzhe Liu

Mingzhe Liu

Postdoctoral Fellow

Li Laboratory
Zhihan Liu

Zhihan Liu

Post Doc Computational

Kinney Laboratory
Kaiser Loell

Kaiser Loell

Post Doc Computational

Kinney Laboratory
Jason Lynn

Jason Lynn

Postdoctoral Fellow

Martienssen Laboratory
Vinay Mandati

Vinay Mandati

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tonks Laboratory
Carlos Marti Gomez Aldaravi

Carlos Marti Gomez Aldaravi

Post Doc Computational

McCandlish Laboratory
Cyrille Mascart

Cyrille Mascart

Post Doc Computational

Koulakov Laboratory
Cristian Mateo Elizalde

Cristian Mateo Elizalde

Postdoctoral Fellow

Martienssen Laboratory
Joseph Merrill

Joseph Merrill

Senior Research Associate

Lyons Laboratory
Sushanta Mishra

Sushanta Mishra

Postdoctoral Fellow

L. Zhang Laboratory
Matthew Moss

Matthew Moss

Post Doc Computational

Levy Laboratory
Sanjay Naik

Sanjay Naik

Postdoctoral Fellow

Stillman Laboratory
Erick Eidy Nakagaki Silva

Erick Eidy Nakagaki Silva

Postdoctoral Fellow

Krainer Laboratory
Jeremy Nigri

Jeremy Nigri

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tuveson Laboratory
Kenneth On

Kenneth On LinkedIn icon

Postdoctoral Fellow

London Research Institute, Cancer Research UK (currently Francis Crick Institute), Ph.D.
Joshua-Tor Laboratory

structural biology, ATPase, DNA replication

My research aims to understand the structure-function relation of DNA/RNA-processing enzymes using biochemistry, Cryo-EM and X-ray crystallography.

Curriculum Vitae PDF

Huiwu Ouyang

Huiwu Ouyang

Postdoctoral Fellow

C. Hammell Laboratory
Sujay Pal

Sujay Pal

Postdoctoral Fellow

Vakoc Laboratory
Shirsa Palit

Shirsa Palit

Postdoctoral Fellow

Pedmale Laboratory
Soumyaranjan Pati

Soumyaranjan Pati

Postdoctoral Fellow

Moses Laboratory
Om Prakash Chouhan

Om Prakash Chouhan

Postdoctoral Fellow

Joshua-Tor Laboratory
Yijian Qiu

Yijian Qiu

Postdoctoral Fellow

Lukey Laboratory
Nilesh Rai

Nilesh Rai

Postdoctoral Fellow

L. Zhang Laboratory
Samrat Rakshit

Samrat Rakshit

Postdoctoral Fellow

L. Zhang Laboratory
Nissim Ranade

Nissim Ranade

Post Doc Computational

Krasnitz Laboratory
Diana Ravens

Diana Ravens

Senior Research Associate

Zador Laboratory
Ashlan Reid

Ashlan Reid

Postdoctoral Fellow

Zador Laboratory
Steven Ribeiro Alves

Steven Ribeiro Alves

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tonks Laboratory
Suzanne Russo

Suzanne Russo

Senior Research Associate

Spector Laboratory
Yunus Sahin

Yunus Sahin

Postdoctoral Fellow

Spector Laboratory
Irene Sanchez Martin

Irene Sanchez Martin

Postdoctoral Fellow

Cheadle Laboratory
Miguel Santo Domingo Martinez

Miguel Santo Domingo Martinez

Postdoctoral Fellow

Lippman Laboratory
Anirban Sarkar

Anirban Sarkar

Post Doc Computational

Koo Laboratory
James Satterlee

James Satterlee

Postdoctoral Fellow

Lippman Laboratory
Armin Scheben

Armin Scheben LinkedIn icon

Post Doc Computational

University of Western Australia, Ph.D.
Siepel Laboratory

Population genomics, Modelling, Plant biology

Integrating omics data across phylogenetic scales to model and understand evolutionary processes and detect functional targets relevant to medicine and agriculture.

Curriculum Vitae PDF

Evan Seitz

Evan Seitz LinkedIn icon

Post Doc Computational

Columbia University, Ph.D. in Biological Sciences
Kinney Laboratory

quantitative biology, machine learning, manifold embedding, computer science, biophysics

Curriculum Vitae PDF

Helene Sertznig

Helene Sertznig

Postdoctoral Fellow

Schorn Laboratory
Mojdeh Shakiba

Mojdeh Shakiba

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tuveson Laboratory
Nandhakumar Shanmugaraj

Nandhakumar Shanmugaraj

Postdoctoral Fellow

Jackson Laboratory
Yang Shen

Yang Shen

Post Doc Computational

Navlakha Laboratory
Hagai Shohat

Hagai Shohat

Postdoctoral Fellow

Lippman Laboratory
Sergey Shuvaev

Sergey Shuvaev

Post Doc Computational

Koulakov Laboratory
Elliot Smith

Elliot Smith

Postdoctoral Fellow

Moses Laboratory
Cristian Soitu

Cristian Soitu

Postdoctoral Fellow

Zador Laboratory
Ruben Steigerwald

Ruben Steigerwald

Postdoctoral Fellow

Furukawa Laboratory
Santhilal Subhash

Santhilal Subhash

Post Doc Computational

Beyaz Laboratory
Mengyi Sun

Mengyi Sun

Post Doc Computational

McCandlish Laboratory
Qingtao Sun

Qingtao Sun

Postdoctoral Fellow

Li Laboratory
Shoujun Sun

Shoujun Sun

Postdoctoral Fellow

Moses Laboratory
Simón(e) Sun

Simón(e) Sun

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tollkuhn Laboratory
Kyle Swentowsky

Kyle Swentowsky

Postdoctoral Fellow

Jackson Laboratory
Johanna Syrjanen

Johanna Syrjanen

Postdoctoral Fellow

Furukawa Laboratory
Debora Tenenbaum

Debora Tenenbaum

Post Doc Computational

Kinney Laboratory
Hsiu-Chi Ting

Hsiu-Chi Ting

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tuveson Laboratory
Ankit Tiwari

Ankit Tiwari

Postdoctoral Fellow

Borniger Laboratory
Thu Tran

Thu Tran

Postdoctoral Fellow

Ph.D., University of Missouri, USA
Jackson Laboratory

Plant Biology, Genetics, Maize, Meristem development, Carbohydrate partitioning

I am studying the genes that determine the inflorescence architecture in maize.

Curriculum Vitae PDF

Marieke Trasser

Marieke Trasser

Postdoctoral Fellow

Martienssen Laboratory
Vijina Varapparambath

Vijina Varapparambath

Postdoctoral Fellow

Jackson Laboratory
Prabhadevi Venkataramani

Prabhadevi Venkataramani LinkedIn icon

Postdoctoral Fellow

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Ph.D.
Tonks Laboratory

Kinases, Cancer, neurodegenerative disease, small-molecule inhibitors

Investigating small-molecule inhibitors against cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.

Curriculum Vitae PDF

Filip Vercruysse

Filip Vercruysse

Post Doc Computational

Cowley Laboratory
Dharmendra Vishwakarma

Dharmendra Vishwakarma

Postdoctoral Fellow

Moses Laboratory
Dominic Vita

Dominic Vita

Postdoctoral Fellow

Cheadle Laboratory
Athanasios Vouzas

Athanasios Vouzas

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tollkuhn Laboratory
Yuanting Wang

Yuanting Wang

Postdoctoral Fellow

Vakoc Laboratory
YuanYuan Wang

YuanYuan Wang

Postdoctoral Fellow

Li Laboratory
Zifei Wang

Zifei Wang

Postdoctoral Fellow

Moses Laboratory
Peipei Wu

Peipei Wu

Postdoctoral Fellow

C. Hammell Laboratory
Yue Wu

Yue Wu LinkedIn icon

Postdoctoral Fellow

Ph.D., The University of Queensland
Borniger Laboratory

cancer, neuroscience, biochemistry, proteome

Current project is investigating molecular mechanisms of the nervous system-cancer crosstalk and nascent proteomic changes during cancer development.

Curriculum Vitae PDF

Jiawei Xing

Jiawei Xing

Post Doc Computational

Siepel Laboratory
Alexander Xue

Alexander Xue LinkedIn icon

Post Doc Computational

City University of New York Graduate Center, Ph.D.
Siepel Laboratory

Comparative population genomics

My research interests consist of developing and applying novel comparative population genomic methods.

Curriculum Vitae PDF

Koki Yamada

Koki Yamada

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tollkuhn Laboratory
Wen-Hsuan Yang

Wen-Hsuan Yang

Postdoctoral Fellow

Lukey Laboratory
Sangjun Yoon

Sangjun Yoon

Postdoctoral Fellow

Lukey Laboratory
Toyoki Yoshimoto

Toyoki Yoshimoto

Postdoctoral Fellow

Vakoc Laboratory
Li Yuan

Li Yuan

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Nebraska Medical Center, Ph.D.
Zador Laboratory


Developing a new technique for mapping connectome using BARseq.

Curriculum Vitae PDF

Xin Zeng

Xin Zeng

Post Doc Computational

Siepel Laboratory
Chao Zhang

Chao Zhang

Postdoctoral Fellow

Cheadle Laboratory
Lifang Zhang

Lifang Zhang

Senior Research Associate

Ware Laboratory
Xiang Zhao

Xiang Zhao

Postdoctoral Fellow

Janowitz Laboratory
Jessica Zhou

Jessica Zhou

Post Doc Computational

Koo Laboratory
Imanol Zubiete Franco

Imanol Zubiete Franco

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tonks Laboratory