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The 2023 CSHL Raft Race

On September 6, the eighth annual Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Raft Race brought a record 14 ships to the shallow waters along campus. The vessels were built and crewed by faculty, students, and staff from all walks of Laboratory life. Family, friends, and colleagues braved a 94-degree September day to cheer them on.

“This year was unbelievable,” Raft Race commodore and CSHL COO John Tuke says. “We had a record number of teams from many different labs and departments.” And while some boats floated better than others, every team made it across the finish line. “Perseverance—that’s part of what CSHL is about,” Tuke adds. “Your experiment might not work the first time, but you keep at it until you see results.”

The annual race is also a showcase of CSHL ingenuity. This year featured rafts constructed from a wide variety of materials: yoga mats, pool noodles, water jugs, and more. Each team battled it out for the privilege of adding their name to the list of champions on the commemorative oar hanging in CSHL’s Blackford Hall.

In the end, a canoe-like craft, the “No-Cost Extensions” from CSHL’s Office of Sponsored Programs, rowed to victory with a winning time of 4:25. For the prize of most creative raft name, Tuke selected CSHL Assistant Professor Peter Koo’s “Koo’s Booze Cruise: 2 Boozed 2 Lose,” an homage to last year’s championship vessel.

Press play for your waterfront view of the 2023 Raft Race.